Pop-top Canopy Lifter – 1200
$269.73 inc. GST
Robust canopy lifters designed for pop-top roof designs with a high lift height requirement
- Spring loaded scissor-type canopy lifter
- Suitable for large pop-top roofs
- Spring Tension standard
- Allows for roof lift up to 900mm
- Length of lifter – 1200mm
- Available in silver
Product Documents
Pop Top Lifter
Technical Info:
- DIY recommend only allowing the canopy lifter to extend to 70-80% of their height – this will ensure the canopy is kept tight and make it easier to pull the canopy down. To close the lifter when it is fully extended requires a lot of force.
- When replacing, it is best to replace opposite lifters at the same time, to prevent undue stress which will bend the arms
- Your pop-top may require 2 or 4 lifters depending on the maximum roof weight it needs to lift. Install the lifters as pairs on opposite sides of the pop-top roof. If in doubt buy 2 and see how they perform – you can always add 2 more later
- Each lifter is designed to lift up to 35 kgs
- Each lifter weighs 5.5 kgs
- Fixing points are present in both horizontal and vertical surfaces for ease of installation. This avoids the need for gas struts which are tricky to install to give a balanced lift
Please click here for DIY Practical Info relating to this product
Freight & Order Info:
- This product will ship direct from our Supplier in Qld, Vic or WA depending on your location
- There is a minimum order of 2 items of this product