All Low ATM Trailer (Light Trailer) Manufacturers and Importers MUST be completely operating under the RVSA by 30 June 2023.
DIY Customers are likely to be eligible for Concessional RAV Entry Approval when it comes to the new rules of the RVSA if they manufacture less than 4 trailers per calendar year. This means you do not have to meet the requirements of the more involved ‘type approval pathway’ but there are still detailed documents to provide and declarations to make through a process detailed below.
You will need to establish that you are eligible for a Concessional Approval.
More info on Concessional Approvals can be found here
To apply for a concessional RAV entry approval, either yourself or your engineer ( ie agent) needs to complete the application through ROVER and upload the required information and pay the appropriate fee. Your engineer is the best person to ask about this process.
Disclaimer: This article was provided to help customers with compliance and was correct as at time or writing – May 2023. Customers MUST make themselves aware of the relevant Regulations and Standards as at their build date and ensure they comply with them.